Supplement Plan Comparison

A Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan is a health insurance policy that helps cover the cost of Medicare. When comparing Medigap plans, it is crucial to note that the federal government decides what basic medical benefits each Medicare Supplement plan offers, so coverage stays the same across all carriers.

There are 10 types of Medicare Supplement plans available in most states, and each plan is identified by the letters A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N, and they are labeled to correspond with a certain level of benefit.

Medicare Supplement Plans Comparison

Here is a brief overview of each Medicare Supplement Plans so that you can easily compare the plans:

  • Medicare Supplement Plan A: Plan A provides the most basic of all the Medicare Supplement plans. Despite that, it covers 20 percent of outpatient treatments not paid for by Medicare. That is one of the most important parts of all Medicare Supplement plans. While all Medicare health insurance carriers must provide Plan A, some states do not require private insurance companies to provide the plan to the people under Medicare disability.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan B: In addition to covering all the things covered by Medigap Plan A, Medigap Plan B also covers the Medicare Part A hospital deductible. This plan pays after Medicare pays.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan C: Plan C covers everything form Part A coinsurance costs, to 80% of a foreign travel emergency care. While it is one of the two Medigap plans that covers the Part B deductible, it does not cover Part B excess charges. Plan C is also not available to those who were not eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan D: This type of Medicare Supplement plan covers most things but doesn’t cover any Medicare excess charges nor Medicare Part B deductibles. This makes the Medigap plan one of the least popular options.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan F: Plan F covers all out-of-pocket costs. These costs are the Part A and B coinsurance and hospital costs, Part Part A and B deductibles, Part A hospice care coinsurance and copayments, skilled nursing facility coinsurance, the first three pints of blood for a transfusion, and 80% of a foreign travel emergency. Plan F is also not available to those who were not eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan G: In recent years, this Medicare Supplement plan had been gaining in popularity. And since Plan F and C have been discontinued for now Medicare enrollees, Plan G is not the most comprehensive supplement. Plan G pays for everything Plan F covers, except for the Medicare Part B deductible. Overall, Plan G has the best value.
  • Medicare Supplement Plans K and L: All of these Medigap plans provide partial coverage of certain benefits. For example, Medicare Supplement Plan K pays 50 percent of most things, and Medicare Supplement Plan L pays 75 percent of most things. Medicare beneficiaries rarely request for any of these three Medicare Supplement plans, so not all private insurers offer them. Having said that, you can find good rates for these plans in some areas.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan M: Medigap Plan M covers 100% of Part A and B coinsurance and hospital costs, Part A hospice care coinsurance and copay, the first three pints of blood for transfusions, and coinsurance for a skilled nursing facility. However, it only covers 50% of the Part A deductible and 80% of a foreign travel emergency.
  • Medicare Supplement Plan N: Medigap Plan N provides lower premiums in exchange for Medicare beneficiaries paying copays for things like emergency and doctor visits. While the lower premiums have been enticing to many people, some policyholders find the little bills for excess charges infuriating. Beneficiaries who are looking for a Medigap plan that offers the most affordable rates might be interested in this plan.

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